Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Panic Sets In!

I feel like a cornered rat. Things are a-comin' at me from all sides and I CAN'T DO IT ALL!!!! NO! My work contract is up at the end of the month, and I have a bunch of things to get through to cram onto my last invoice. I have most of my bios for the Folk Festival programme book to write and submit, also by the end of the month. I have a crapload of yoga work to do, not the least of which is teach the Moon Salutation in class tonight, and I do not in any way have it all in my head.

The end of the month is only a few days away. One of these days (tomorrow) is mostly taken up with transporting my lovely friend Jan out Priddis way to a birthday -type-coffee-lunch-get-together thingy, which will be delightful, except that I will plagued by the sound of relentless clock ticking in my ear. I kind of know how the dude in "The Telltale Heart" felt. I can also hear Cher singing "If I Could Turn Back Time", with a sort of extra rhythm section provided by the tick-tocking clock. I'm panicking and losing my mind (what's left of it, anyway)at the same time. So why the hell am I writing this blog, you ask, rather than doing any of the aforementioned tasks? Good bloody question. I DON'T KNOW WHY! It seemed like a good idea at the time. Time? Who mentioned time? Time is the enemy. Well, time and Cher.. ... (It seems that the Clash have just rolled up and punted Cher off the stage in my mind)....Cue "Should I Stay or Should I Go"...And now I really gotta go.

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