Wednesday, May 7, 2008

In a Mitford mood.

" 'The food, Sadie, it's the food. I know how difficult it is for you in wartime, but we are all, in turns, being poisoned... The fact is, dear, that if Mrs. Beecher were a Borgia, she could hardly be more successful--all that sausage mince is poison, Sadie. I wouldn't complain if it were merely nasty, or insufficient, or too starchy, one expects that in the war, but actual poison does, I feel, call for comment. Look at the menus this week-- Monday, poison pie, Tuesday, poison burger steak, Wednesday, Cornish poison---'
Aunt Sadie looked intensely worried. "

-The Pursuit of Love, by Nancy Mitford.

P.S. If anybody has gone this long without reading The Pursuit of Love & Love in a Cold Climate (I can't think how this could be possible, but I'm willing to entertain the ever so faint possibility) READ THEM NOW.

1 comment:

Aubadicus said...

Well, I haven't, but the quote you pulled has more than half convinced me.