Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Life's like that.

Ah yes, the ups and downs of life. And, as one's day is simply a microcosm of one's life, one's day, too, will have these ups and downs. What a philosopher she is, you think.... shut up. I can state the obvious here and there if I feel like. So there. Sometimes it's the only thing I'm any good at stating. And yes, my little microcosm-life, my day, DID have ups and downs.

I had the worst sleep ever, coughing and hacking like I'd spent all my life down the coal mines. Woke up ill and groggy, with a foul head. Down.

I opened a new packet of Voortman Tea Ring biscuits at coffee time. Loves me a Voortman tea ring, and there is something about the crispy freshness of a new packet that just makes me happy. And hungry. Up.

I tripped as I was negotiating the basement corner with a bunch of laundry, and landed....IN the goddamned cat box. Yes, in it. As in very close proximity to all the poos and the pee clumps. I had pee clump imbedded in my knee. Plus, the shitting laundry spilled everywhere. Down.

I finished making a lovely bracelet for myself, with memory wire, featuring turquoise of the most beautiful shade--all bluey-greyey-greeney-- , red coral, and sterling beads. It is beee-you-tiful, thank-you very much. Up.

I signed Sueage's passport tonight, and I had the immense thrill of putting '36' in the 'years the person is known to you' line. How cool is that? Up.

I was making hollandaise sauce for supper, and because I w as multi-tasking like a creature possessed, I hit the blend button with the lid still off the blender, and now I have teeny flecks of hollandaise sauce in my hair. It looks like nits. All you blondies out there could probably have an equally distressing hollandaise incident, and then go off for tea with the Queen, and all she's gonna notice is a faint lemony-buttery aroma (which could easily be the little tea sarnies), and not weird little blobs decorating your 'do. Hollandaise and black hair is definitely a no-no. Down.

I have one last thing upon which the jury is still out. I bought this sundress at the Goodwill today. It's a pretty reddish floral pattern, with a halter neck, and fits like a dream. Problem is, it has a full, swishy skirt. I'm not sure this swishy skirt does me any favours. Like the dress a lot, but I'm just not convinced I have what it takes to deploy the full and swishy skirt. Like I say, jury's out.... Up? Down? You tell me...


Beeb said...

Gasping. Tears. Laughter.

Fee, I don't mean to laugh at your manic day, but I lost it at the cat-litter part. I once sneezed while scooping all the poos and pees and flung a soft, fairly fresh log of cat turd at my own face. I remember the sound of all the loose cat litter raining down around me. I'd actually forgotten about it (repressed memory, methinks) until this blog.

I bet your bracelet is beeeutiful, by the way!

QueenFee said...

Nasty. SERIOUSLY nasty.

Beeb said...

It really was. Paul actually cleans the catbox now. We agreed it was better that way. It only takes one face-full of catshit to really prompt a serious change, you know?