Sunday, May 11, 2008

A Li'l Pick-me-up

Just returned from putting my aged parents on a plane bound for sunnier climes, and, despite a delightful post-airport Denny's lunch with my sis, her fam and my fam, I find myself a little.....a little....., well, flat. Glum. Down in the dumperoos.

This needs to be fixed, and just in case anybody else is similarly afflicted, I'm going to share with everyone a song I have already listened to as a mood lifting tool. I shall leave proper music blogging to my infinitely better qualified husband, but I think I can safely tack this little gem onto this here blog, this one time. Listen and enjoy, little friends. It's by Desmond Dekker and the Specials, and it's special indeed. Go away and thrill to it now!!

Carry Go Bring Come (MP3, via RapidShare - scroll down and click the "free" button)

1 comment:

Beeb said...

Wow, even though it's late at night and I'm loaded on Tylenol 3, this got me bopping, albeit clumsily.