Monday, February 15, 2010

The Power of One

Sometimes, things only need to happen a single time to be memorable, special,or just plain great. This long weekend was all about such "ones". Some highlights I will share with you.

ONE fun, frosty and joy-filled trip to the big dog park with all four of us, and Georgie. She had such fun playing with the other dogs, and exploring all over. We admired the scenery, the ducks and the hoarfrost. Lovely, lovely.

ONE great time at the hockey arena, watching my nephew Alex do his thing in the finals of his hockey tournament. I could not have been more proud, seeing him wearing the 'C', and giving such a strong effort with his team against a team who has almost always beaten them. Their silver was well won, and I loved every minute of the game.

ONE delightful visit and cup of tea with my friend Jaz, who I have not seen in some months. I have had the pleasure of watching this gal grow from the sweet, kind and remarkably poised teenager from across the street, who used to babysit the girls, into the beautiful, intelligent and wise-beyond-her-years young woman she is today. I love that she and I are friends.

ONE dinner and fun catch-up with Sue, the oldest and best friend a gal could have. Always, always we share laughs, good food, wine and the joy of a companionship 37 years old.

ONE migraine. Ok. Not fun, but memorable. Yuck. Thanks to my lovely Lee and the girls for picking up the slack, and apologies to Connor and Becca for not saying goodbye.

ONE solitary, moonit walk with Georgie, where I danced in an alley to "Come Dancing" by the Kinks, on my ipod, swirling a plastic bag of dog poo, just for effect. Amazingly, I avoided a dire wipe-out on the ice. Weird, the alley dancing with a dog and a bag of poo, I guess, but fun!!

ONE super lunch with old friends. Again, the food, drink, conversation and fun was top drawer. Thanks Michael & San....such a perfect way to spend a Sunday afternoon. Thanks, too, to Cassius for the excellent purrs.

ONE Thai dinner out with Lee for Valentine's Day. I had *just* recovered from the aforementioned migraine enough to totter out for sups. It was perfect, and Lee always takes such good care of me. I cleaned myself up, put on my funky, glittery plaid skirt, and some big-girl shoes, and had a proper, romantic supper with my forever-Valentine. Happy,happy...

I will finish this off with a couple of threes: three lovely nights this weekend with Lee, and three amazing people who share this house with me. Lucky, lucky girl I am. And I love the power of one!