Friday, February 5, 2010

Nundies, and the like...

So, I found myself in the Bay recently, on the way out to my car from the hairdressers. I always park at the Bay doors, thereby ensuring that I pass through the lingerie/pjs department, and may stumble, with blind luck, into a smokin' purchase. (I usually avoid the mall like the plague, but because my hairdresser is there, well...the pyjamas call me...)

On this particular occasion, there I was, in the line-up for the till, waiting to pay for my gorgeous and black, pink and cream Collette Dinnigan bra and knickers set, when I could not help but notice that ahead of me were three nuns. Yep, nuns. No, they were not swathed in habits, but rather had sober sweater and skirt combos on, hair veils, and some kick-ass crucifixes to boot. Well, I don't think that I can be blamed for the fit of curiosity that overcame me. Just WHAT were the nuns queuing up to purchase at the Bay undies department?? I am a little ashamed to admit that I surreptitiously popped my specs on for a better look, and really, at the end of the day, there were no real surprises. The nuns had the multi packs of white cotton, full coverage knickers, and the Playtex bras that come in a box, and are not renowned for their devastating come-hither appeal, and are available in white only. While part of me wanted to shout, "Sistahs!! Drop the whites, and go check out the Collette Dinnigan 'Wild Hearts' stuff, on an unbelievable sale, in the back corner!! Jesus wouldn't mind!", another, more sensible part of me said, "Geez, Fiona, what do you expect they'd be buying? Would an apricot lace balconette bra, and matching boyshorts be just what they'd need to fire up the Holy Spirit? They are NUNS, for Pete's sake, and their sensibilities are on a higher plane, you Godless wretch, with your lace and your underwire"....

SO....I kind of let my inner battle over sisterly lingerie just fade away. I could not help but notice that I was the only one with the Collettes, or the Betsey Johnsons, and that the other customers, and not just the nuns, were positively cloistered in their choices. I was feeling increasingly embarrassed, until, as the nuns were passing with their parcels, one of them met my eyes, looked down at my undies, and said in a low voice, "My, those are pretty...", smiled kindly at me, and made her way off. Yessss! My undies have been given a *sacred*seal of approval. My new Collettes have never looked better!


Radical Bradacal said...

From one godless wretch to another, I will confess that I do so LOVE me a pair of boyshorts. *sigh*

I love awkward nun sightings!! I think the best I saw were nuns pulling into Del Taco, a local fast food joint. :)

QueenFee said...

Yep. Boyshorts are thebest. "Awkward nun sightings"! An excellent phrase! And I love the idea of takeaway Mexican nuns... :D