Wednesday, June 11, 2008


Blah blah blah.... I don't know if it is the rainy, gloomy weather or the migraine that I've been struggling with for the last few days, but I feel singularly uninspired. I have nothing at present that makes me want to sizzle over the keyboard keys and create a dazzlingly fascinating blog entry. (Not that I exactly have a history here of such blog entries, but one can aspire, no?) My wellspring of creativity is not bubbling and gurgling forth with the waters of originality, but rather sits still and abandoned, all but dried up. But stay tuned, my little blog readers, for this is a state which cannot last. You just never know what might start the wellspring flowing again, creating little gems for your viewing consumption....


Beeb said...

Meh, I've got the blahs too. Normally the rain makes me feel all kinds of inspired, if only because it's too glum to go outside and be active.

I eagerly anticipate your return!

QueenFee said...

Thanks Ava. You da best!