Thursday, March 6, 2008

Jesus meets Buster...

So I've been listening to an old Neil Diamond tape in my car--the stereo is ancient & in no small state of disrepair--and I've been unfortunately stuck on "Done Too Soon". Now, I am a declared fan of Neil Diamond; I've seen him in concert and it was just fantastic, pure showmanship. I've listened to him since I was a teenager, and I have defended old Grecian-Formula McSparklypants to all comers on more than one occasion. SO....I'm not a hater here, but when considering "Done Too Soon", I really must ask the question, "Just what the fuck was Neil thinking when this little corker came into his head?" Was it put there by the powers of darkness in a mischievous mood? He treats us to singular gems of lyric-ery such as "Wolfie Mozart, Alexanders King & Graham Bell", and he rhymes Ho Chi Minh with Gunga Din, for fuck's sake. His choice of subjects defies reason entirely, and it might be the only occasion when Jesus Christ, Allan Freed, Buster Keaton & Genghis Khan (for the love of all that is holy!!!) are linked together thematically. Buster is, no doubt, tickled quite pink by the company he's keeping, but something tells me that J.C. is a little less than flattered...


Exile said...

Why are you listening to some old square? Put on some Klaus Nomi and repent! The song I've obsessed over the last few days is 'Lola' by the Kinks.

Beeb said...

I was 16 and playing 'Holly Holy' on my clarinet to a group of half-asleep seniors when I realized that Neil Diamond is actually really fucking cool. Since then, I've been an unabashed fanatic of Mr Combover McMelodramatic. Money talks! But it can't sing and dance and it can't walk!


QueenFee said...

Amen Neil! Holly Holy on the clarinet by a 16 yr old...Awesome. And, hey, Exile, next time you head our way, Lee can ensure an excellent Kinks-listening session!

Aubadicus said...

Why must you use such vulgar language? If that's the kind of thing that this "rock or roll music" puts into you kids' heads nowadays, it's no wonder Tipper Gore is waging her righteous crusade.

And give me Buster Keaton (and for that matter, Genghis Khan and Ho Chi Minh) over Jesus Christ any day. All of them were much funnier than po-faced ol' JC.