Thursday, April 24, 2008

I did it!!!

(I meant to add this as a p.s. to my last post, but only remembered when I'd already posted it.)

Yes, I did. I did it. And I'm not a little proud of myself. At this point, I fully acknowledge that what I did really isn't that astounding. It will not enter the annals of groundbreaking Canadian achievements, alongside Banting & Best with the insulin thing, Bell and the telephone, etc. But I still have that comforting sense of satisfaction. I made a nail polish colour that, heretofor, has not existed.

I decided that I really wanted a nail polish the colour of pigeons. Now, pigeons are a singular hue...not quite grey, not quite silver, not quite brown, but all of the above together. This turned me into Girl Wonder Amatuer Nail Polish Mixologist, and I poured and mixed and poured and mixed until I had this lovely silvery-greyish-brownish, with a hint of purple, nail polish the colour of pigeons. I am wearing this pigeon-polish right now, and I am constantly admiring it. It does not exist anywhere else but on my fingers, and in the bottle in my dressing table. I rule.

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