So Lee left for Firebag this afternoon, after an insane fortnight of getting Raine moved downstairs, into her own room. Said room was basically a repository for random crap over the last 17 or so years, and in the attempts to clean it out, it basically vomited its contents into the rest of the house. Had to deal with all that, as well as making a hideous, unappealing cave become an acceptable dwelling place for a 12 yr old gal, with a definite sense of aesthetic. Well, colour me shocked, it worked, but at great cost, financial and otherwise. We do have an excellent sense of accomplishment, and Raine is happy. Then, we had to tweak Cleo's room to the best of our ability, and when there are 2 of us, it seems a little more manageable. Slogged on this evening, alone, and now I am exhausted, but both girlies are quite content, and the house is about 75 thousand pounds lighter of junk and crap. I'm enjoying my bubbly, missing the shit out of my husband, and contemplating the next chapter of life, which reeeeeaaally needs to be Christmas. Will the fun never cease?!